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​Odamiyama Campground Terms of Use and Cancellation Policy

​Terms of Use

Odamiyama Campsite has established rules for safe and secure operation.

When using the site, please be sure to observe the rules, prohibitions, precautions, and other public order and morals set forth below.

If you do not comply, the staff will give you instructions for improvement.

If you do not follow the instructions, you may be asked to leave the venue at any time of the day or night.

In addition, if it is determined to be malicious, we will report it to the police and may refuse admission from the next time onwards.

The campground will not be held responsible for any thefts, accidents, or troubles between users in the campground.

In addition, if the campsite suffers damage due to the user's intention or negligence, the campsite will claim damages from the user.

Please make a reservation and use only customers who understand and cooperate with the following terms.

This policy may be updated from time to time, so please check it each time you make a reservation.


[Main rules] (We ask for your cooperation so that all users can use the facility comfortably and comfortably.)

・After making a reservation in advance on the website, please check in at the administration building on the day and pay the usage fee.

・Please check the conditions at the time of booking for check-in and check-out times.

・At least one adult (guardian or leader) must accompany each tent site.

・In the case of a group, please submit related documents such as a guest list in advance.

・Please use the facilities cleanly, and use common areas (water, toilets, parking lots, etc.) with respect to each other.

・After 10:00 p.m., sleepers have priority. Please be quiet. Please be considerate of other sleeping guests and children.

・Motor generators cannot be used.

・Regarding playing musical instruments, please enjoy until 10:00 p.m. only for acoustic musical instruments that do not use an amplifier.

・Regarding the music player, please keep it at a volume that can only be heard within a radius of 5 meters. It cannot be used after 10:00 pm.

・Fireworks that make loud noises and fireworks are prohibited from the viewpoint of noise and forest fire prevention.

・Open fire is strictly prohibited. Please be sure to use the bonfire.

・You cannot fly or shoot drones or wireless aircraft (including some wired ones) without permission.

・You are free to bring in alcoholic beverages. Please be considerate of those around you when smoking. (Be careful not to drink too much.)

・Please manage your valuables responsibly.

・Please be sure to restore the place and tools you used to their original condition.

・Please take your garbage, used charcoal, and firewood home with you.

・Please clean the site after removing the tent. In particular, do not forget to check the pegs.

・Please enjoy river activities, mountain stream fishing, etc. at your own risk.

・It is strictly prohibited to damage trees or collect plants without reason. Please stay away from dangerous areas such as broken trees and notify the management staff immediately.

・Do not sell, donate, or open a store without the permission of the campsite manager.


[About pets]
Pets are allowed. The owner is responsible and please keep an eye on it.

・Please be careful not to bark unnecessarily.

・Owner should dispose of excrement responsibly.

・Please use a leash at all times in the campsite.


[Regarding entry of cars and motorcycles]

Cars and motorcycles are allowed to enter the site other than the Mawariiwa Tent Site. Please follow the rules below and drive carefully and responsibly.

・Please drive slowly when driving on the premises.

・Please be especially careful when entering and exiting the car early in the morning and after sunset to prevent accidents.

・If you have an accident, please contact the police yourself and take measures between the parties.

・Please refrain from idling your car in consideration of environmental protection and health hazards of nearby users.


[About group events and charter programs]

Please make a plan while considering the following conditions on the side of the user organization, and make a meeting with the staff in charge in advance.

・All programs must be finished by 22:00.

・Must be content that does not include solo activities within and around the campsite.

・Please contact us in advance for campfires.



Mobile phones cannot be used in the Odamiyama Valley area. In case of an emergency, first move to a point where radio waves can be received.

・In the event of a fire or accident, please contact the police and fire department immediately.

・In case of injury or illness, please contact the emergency hospital directly.


[About correspondence in case of bad weather]

We are open even when it rains. However, this does not apply if the Japan Meteorological Agency issues a warning or special warning level or higher for the area including this campsite. Also, in that case, if we cancel the customer's reservation, we will not charge a cancellation fee.

In addition, when operating in rainy weather, we may limit the entry of cars based on the conditions of the tent sites. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

If a warning or special warning is issued after sunset on the day of use, please give top priority to your own safety and make a prompt decision and action to evacuate. In addition, please understand that this campground cannot take responsibility for evacuation based on the customer's own judgment.


[Regarding user risks]

Our campsite is not a place where safety is guaranteed.

There are various risks such as encounters with animals such as wild boars, deer, and monkeys, snakes and bees, the risk of injuries and accidents due to falling trees due to strong winds and gusts, lightning strikes, etc., the loss of children, and the risk of car accidents and theft. risk.

While staying close to nature, we accept reservations for those who agree to use within the scope of self-responsibility assuming such risks.

As a campsite manager, we are doing everything we can to prevent accidents, provide maintenance, and provide explanations. increase. If you do not agree and sympathize with the above, you will not be able to use it, so we ask for your understanding and consent in advance.


[About refusal of use]

In the following cases, we may refuse to use the campsite. Please understand.

・When an act contrary to laws or public order and morals is recognized

・When behavior that disturbs other customers is recognized

・Use by organized crime groups, companies related to organized crime groups, or similar entities, or their members (hereinafter "anti-social forces")

・When the staff determines that the use must be canceled due to a disaster or bad weather.

​Cancellation Policy

*Currently, we do not charge a cancellation fee as we only accept local payments.

Please be sure to contact us in case of cancellation.

・If you do not use it without contacting us: 100% of the usage fee

・Cancellation notice on the day of use: 100% of the usage fee

・After check-in: 100% of the usage fee (If you want to cancel the second night on the day of the second night, etc.)

・Cancellation notice from 1 day to 3 days before use: 50% of the usage fee

・Cancellation notice 4 days before the usage date: 20% of the usage fee

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